Counselor and Executive Consultant
The RESET Experience
90 Min Reset Experience
Reset sessions are designed to be experiential, combining the clinical, spiritual and holistic practice of CBT, Reiki, Breathwork and Guided Meditation. Treatment include 45 minute clinical process, a candle ceremony that takes one through the mind, the body and the spirit into higher level consciousness work followed by a deep connective meditation and Reiki.
90 Min Reset Experience
Share the clinical, spiritual and holistic practice of CBT, Reiki, Breathwork and Guided Meditation. Group Treatment includes a 45 minute clinical process, a candle ceremony that takes one through the mind, the body and the spirit into higher level consciousness work, followed by a connective meditation and collective Reiki.
60 - 120 Min Reset Experience
Reset experiential groups are available to Treatment Centers specializing in Addiction, Mental Health and Dual Diagnosis. These groups will incorporate the clinical, spiritual and holistic practice of CBT, Reiki, Breathwork and Guided Meditations. Reiki available to clients seeking specialized treatments. Groups help client's reset their parasympathetic nervous system, reducing anxiety, depression and trauma responses noted early in recovery.
the RESET experience
Thank you for your interest in participating in The Agency's Reset Session. We are confident you will find connection, healing and a deeper sense of awareness resulting in higher consciousness.
Reset in the Studio
Beth will have all your items needed for the experience. If you choose to use your own yoga mat and pillow please let her know in advance.
Come prepared with a small glass bowl or dish for the ceremony portion of the experience. We will be setting intentions by filling an object with sand and lighting a candle.
Water will be supplied.
You are encouraged to bring a journal and pen.
Please dress in very comfortable clothing.
Reset in Your Home
Please help to assure a quiet, clean space is available, allowing for Beth to walk around you during the Reiki portion of the experience. You will be on a mat, on the floor.
If possible, blinds drawn, creating a sense of darkness to reduce outside energy and light.
It's requested pets do not participate in the experience and be housed in another area unless well trained with confidence of no interfering. The meditation portion of the experience will draw you deep and interruptions can be triggering.
Beth will bring all the needed items for the experience. If you prefer to use your own yoga mat and pillow please let her know. She will bring water, mats, pillows, candles, and ceremony items.
Please have your phone silenced during the entire session.
Please come prepared with a small glass bowl, or dish for the ceremony portion of the experience. We will be setting intentions by filling an object with sand and lighting a candle.
No matter where you are emotionally, spiritually, or physically, come to the experience as you are. You are in a perfect place to start this increase and everything from here is about to shift. We are excited to observe and connect with you through this experience.